FGM stands for Female Genital Mutilation
It is a procedure that involves deliberately cutting, for no medical reason, a female's genitals. It is usually carried out on young girls between infancy and 15 years old. In Northern Ireland, it is illegal and is considered child abuse.
There are many reasons why FGM is performed. These include:
Cultural reasons
Some people believe FGM is part of their culture and as part of a girl's initiation into womanhood.
Social reasons
Some people believe that FGM will benefit the girl in some way and be good for her. In some communities, the external female genitalia are considered dirty and ugly and are removed to promote hygiene and enhance aesthetic appeal.
Religious reasons
Some communities believe that by completing FGM, this will ensure the girl's virginity before marriage.
Are there complications with FGM?
Complications can occur and include:
severe pain
urine retention
death as a result of complications
urinary incontinence
emotional effects, including post-traumatic stress
What can a young girl do if they feel they are at risk of FGM?
Tell someone what has been happening - this could be a parent/guardian, a friend, a teacher in school.
Consider talking to someone at an organisation that can give advice and help with the bullying experience such as:
Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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