What is identity?
Identity is who we are. Every human being is unique and has many aspects to their identity. For example gender, age, religious beliefs. Identity is formed through:
Personal experience
Your background
The homes you live in
The communities you live in/belong to
The school you attend
What is cultural identity?
Your cultural identity is what you share with members of a group. It is formed by:
Traditions of the community you come from
What factors influence a person's cultural identity?
Family values in the home (good or bad manners)
Brought up with a particular religion
Language spoken at home
Musical influences in the home
The school you go to and it’s ethos and motto
The sports played
Peer Group
Friends wearing similar fashions
Friends eating the same foods/certain foods
Music practised and played in school
Beliefs and morals from religion
Traditional practices of your religion
Fashion trends shown in magazines
Fashionable music or bands on TV or radio
Having the same religious and/or political beliefs as the people in your neighbourhood
Northern Ireland is a multicultural country. This means that there are many different cultures that exist in Northern Ireland. It is a culturally diverse society.
Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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