Diet affects the overall health and well being of a person. Eating a balanced and healthy diet or an unhealthy diet affects a person's social, physical and emotional health, which are inter-related and are dependent upon each other.
When a person eats a healthy diet, the effects on their social health include:
Having increased opportunities to meet like-minded people
To socialise with people who enjoy eating the same types of healthy foods or going to restaurants that serve fresh, healthy meals.
Developing friendships
A person may meet new people through groups who enjoy eating meals made from fresh ingredients. They may meet at a cooking class and share cooking experiences and recipes.
Getting good rest
Eating a healthy diet helps a person be more relaxed and able to think clearly when speaking to people and so develop self-confidence when speaking to others.
Feeling good
A person may actively seek out ways to socialise with others, as they feel good about how they look and feel.
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