The child might be physically, emotionally or sexually abused and decide to leave home to escape the situation
Parent separation
None of the parents want to have responsibility for the child and may lead to the young person leaving home and living on the streets
Family problems
Family arguments may be difficult for the young person to deal with and may decide to run away from home
Drug/Alcohol abuse
The young person or his/her parents could have drug related problems and this could lead to family conflict
Death of parents
No one to pay rent/mortgage, the young person may face eviction and become homeless
War or conflict
The young person may their home because of conflict/war and have to move to a safer area
Natural disasters
The young person may have their home destroyed because of floods/earthquakes. They have nowhere to live.
No job, no money
The young person may have no job and therefore no money/finance to pay for rent or the mortgage on their home
Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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