A relationship is a connection that a person has with another person. Most people have many different relationships like with friends, family, acquaintances, teachers, employers.
No matter who the relationship is with, the following factors help to strengthen the relationship and help it to last longer:
What do all these factors mean and why are they so important?
Trust is very important in a relationship.
If you trust someone, you tell them things and depend on them.
Without trust one or both those in a relationship could feel insecure and this could lead to arguments
Mutual Respect
Each person values and respects the other person for who they are
Without respect for each other the relationship would break down
Being upfront
Not telling lies about what was said/where you were/who you were with
Not being honest can lead to feelings of guilt and can hurt the other person if lies come to light
Talking to the person you are in a relationship with
This is important for expressing and sharing opinions, values, beliefs, ideas, feelings, thoughts
It is impossible to have a relationship without communication
Degree of Independence
People need space and time to themselves
Spending all your spare time with one person can lead to boredom and arguments
A bit of give and take
This helps make a relationship stronger
If there is no compromise this could lead to resentment from the other person
Putting up with things that annoy you
You do not have to like e.g. the way the other person blows their nose but it is important to accept and tolerate that this is the way it is done.
This helps everyone accept and respect that everyone is different
Willingness to accept responsibility
Holding your hands up and admitting when something has gone wrong
Not blaming the other person when something goes wrong – playing the ‘blame game’ but rather try and work things through
Both people need to accept responsibility to make things work
Making a promise to make the relationship work – through good times and bad – not giving up easily
This helps the relationship to last
Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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