Risk – a challenge or taking a chance
Risk taking behaviour is when a person takes on a challenge that may have a desirable outcome
It may not have a desirable outcome
Risk-taking behaviour usually refers to behaviour that may not necessarily have a positive outcome. Deciding to take part in risk-taking behaviour may have long term consequences for the person involved and may even put others lives in danger. Examples of the most common risk-taking behaviours include:
dangerous driving
drug/drunk driving
anti-social behaviour
deliberate self-harm
severe or excessive dieting
unprotected sex
compulsive overeating
taking drugs
pier jumping
However taking risks is not always dangerous and sometimes it is important to take risks if the young person wants to challenge themselves, learn new skills or assume greater responsibility. Often in business, taking calculated risks, for example an entrepreneur taking on a new business venture, happens quite often.
Taking risks is part of growing up and can be a positive experience, for example:
trying a new sport
doing something different
trying a new subject in school
meeting new people
starting a new job
Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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