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Learning for LifeandWork
May 5, 20202 min read
How risk taking behaviour may be avoided with parental support
What is risk taking behaviour? Risk-taking behaviour usually refers to behaviour that may not necessarily have a positive outcome....
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Learning for LifeandWork
May 5, 20201 min read
What is risk-taking behaviour?
Risk – a challenge or taking a chance Risk taking behaviour is when a person takes on a challenge that may have a desirable outcome OR It...
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Learning for LifeandWork
May 5, 20202 min read
Ways to avoid risk-taking behaviour.
Risk-taking behaviour usually refers to behaviour that may not necessarily have a positive outcome. Deciding to take part in risk-taking...
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Learning for LifeandWork
May 5, 20201 min read
Advantages of using internet chat rooms
There are many great things about using internet chatroom that can be found on social media apps like: Facebook Twitter Pinterest...
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Learning for LifeandWork
May 5, 20201 min read
How to deal with cyber-bullying
What is cyber-bullying? Cyber-bullying is the persistent harassment of someone using digital technologies. It could include hurtful...
Learning for LifeandWork
May 4, 20202 min read
Social media: The Benefits
What is social media? Social media is a collection of apps that allows users to create and share information about themselves online. The...
Learning for LifeandWork
May 4, 20202 min read
Dealing with sexual exploitation
Sexual exploitation involves the abuser using their relationship to take advantage of children and young people, forcing them to perform...
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Learning for LifeandWork
May 4, 20202 min read
Consequences of risk-taking behaviour
What is risk taking behaviour? Risk-taking behaviour usually refers to behaviour that may not necessarily have a positive outcome....
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